The RDS in Dublin - the venue for Back To Our Past and Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2014. |
For much of the show I was helping out as a volunteer on the Family Tree DNA stand answering DNA-related questions and swabbing customers who wanted to be tested. FTDNA were doing brisk business each day and the stand only started to quieten down by about 5.00 pm. I don't yet know the final tally, but around 95 kits had already been sold by the end of the second day. Last year 99 kits were sold over the course of three days so the total is certainly going to be well up on last year. A number of ISOGG surname DNA project administrators were offering sponsored tests, and some lucky project admins were fortunate to have their offers accepted. I don't yet know the full list of names but free tests were done for the following surnames: CASSIDY, DALTON, FITZGERALD, GOUGH, KENNEDY, LLOYD, LYONS (2) and TAYLOR. The offers for the free tests are collated on the free DNA tests page on the ISOGG Wiki. Most of these offers are still valid so do check out the list to see if your name is included.
One of the members of my own Cruwys/Cruse/Cruise DNA project called in to say hello to me, and he updated me on the progress of his genealogical research. I also had the pleasure of meeting for the first time a fellow Cruse researcher with whom I'd corresponded previously. She ordered a mitochondrial DNA test for herself and she took a kit away with her so that her dad could be tested. He is descended from a Cruse line that can be traced back to Sampford Arundel in Somerset, and I shall look forward to seeing his results in due course.I managed to escape from the FTDNA stand every now and then to attend some of the lectures. Most of the talks have been recorded, and the recordings are gradually being uploaded to the Genetic Genealogy Ireland YouTube channel in the order in which they were presented. The lecture programme can be found online here, and the speakers' biographies are on the Genetic Genealogy Ireland website. I will leave you to enjoy the talks for yourselves, but I will just comment briefly on some of the highlights.
Cathy Swift, Director of Irish Studies at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, gave an excellent talk on the subject of "Emerging dynasties in a maritime world - hunting for Brian Boru’s genetic legacy". I was not able to attend this talk in person but caught up with the recording on YouTube. Cathy provided a very interesting insight into the evolution of surnames in Ireland. She acknowledged the "intellectual curiosity, involvement and enthusiasm" of all the citizen scientists who run surname and geographical projects. However, as the science is advancing so rapidly and so much of the work is taking place outside universities, it can be very hard to keep up to date with the latest advances and to form judgements about whose work can be relied upon. Cathy argued for increased collaboration between the "fusty dusty ivory tower people" and people like the volunteer project administrators who are working "at the coalface". Cathy is running a Y-chromosome research project which is using surnames and DNA to investigate the extent of Viking ancestry in Limerick. You can read more about the project and the surnames which have been selected for inclusion on the Mary Immaculate College website. I had a chance to chat to Cathy at dinner on Friday night and again during the conference. She has some very robust views on the interpretation of historical evidence in combination with DNA results, and she is very keen for historians to collaborate with genetic genealogists. I think we will all enjoy collaborating with her in the future for our mutual benefit.
Kirsten Bos from the University of Tübingen in Germany gave a fascinating talk on the subject of the "Plagues of our ancestors as revealed through ancient DNA". Her talk is not yet up on the YouTube channel but I highly recommend watching it when you have the chance.
Kirsten Bos on the plagues of our ancestors. |
Maurice Gleeson on solving adoption mysteries in your family tree. |
Dan Crouch on the People of the British Isles Project. |
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Rob and Sue Warthen on how a Genographic Project DNA test given as a Christmas present started a journey of discovery. |
I only managed to catch the tail end of Emily Aulicino's excellent presentation on autosomal DNA. The Family Finder test was the most popular test at last year's show and there is clearly a great thirst for knowledge on the subject as Emily was speaking to a packed audience. Emily was selling copies of her book Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond at the show and not surprisingly she sold every single copy.
I understand that Michelle Leonard gave an excellent presentation on the Fromelles Project, and John Cleary's talk on "How to enhance your Y-DNA results through surname and haplogroup projects" was very well received so I'm particularly looking forward to watching these two presentations when they become available. I'm also looking forward to hearing Patrick Guinness's views on the prolific Y-DNA genetic signature in north-west Ireland that has been misleadingly associated with the semi-mythical figure of Niall of the Nine Hostages.
Brad Larkin gave two talks at Genetic Genealogy Ireland. I was busy answering questions on the FTDNA stand after my own talk when Brad was speaking on the future of genetic genealogy, but I'm interested to hear his views and will catch up with this talk later.
Spencer Wells was the keynote speaker for the conference, and gave a presentation on the Genographic Project.
On Saturday I attended the presentation by Mike Mulligan, the International Product Manager of AncestryDNA. This talk was part of the main BTOP programme and was therefore not recorded. I will write about AncestryDNA in a separate blog post.
My own presentation was on the subject of "DNA for Beginners". You can watch my talk by clicking on the image below.
A PDF file of my presentation can be downloaded here. I've included clickable links for all the websites that were mentioned. The handout for my presentation can be downloaded here.
One of the best parts of attending a conference is the opportunity to meet up with old friends, make new friends and to network with fellow genealogists and genetic genealogists. I called in at the Guild of One-Name Studies stand and had a chat with my fellow Guild members Fíona Tipple and Sean Colfer. They were kept busy dealing with enquiries from researchers with a range of experience from complete beginners to knowledgeable experts.
Emily Aulicino explains how autosomal DNA testing can be used to help to verify family relationships. |
John Cleary speaking on how to enhance your Y-DNA results through surname and haplogroup projects. |
Brad Larkin on the future of genetic genealogy. |
Spencer Wells on the Genographic Project |
My own presentation was on the subject of "DNA for Beginners". You can watch my talk by clicking on the image below.
One of the best parts of attending a conference is the opportunity to meet up with old friends, make new friends and to network with fellow genealogists and genetic genealogists. I called in at the Guild of One-Name Studies stand and had a chat with my fellow Guild members Fíona Tipple and Sean Colfer. They were kept busy dealing with enquiries from researchers with a range of experience from complete beginners to knowledgeable experts.
The Guild of One-Name Studies stand. |
I also had the pleasure of meeting Seán Quinn. We had a long chat and discovered that we have many interests in common. Seán has been researching his Irish ancestry for many years and has a particular interest in Irish surnames and his own surname Quinn. He has a website on Irish surnames where he has published the fruits of more than ten years' research. He's also the author of several books. Seán very kindly gave me copies of his books Surnames in Ireland
On Saturday evening all the genetic genealogy speakers and ISOGG volunteers were invited to a very enjoyable wine reception in Bewley's Hotel. The reception was hosted by the APGI (Association of Professional Genealogists in Ireland),
On the Monday after the show ISOGG members were treated to a special Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2014 day out which had been carefully planned by Gerard Corcoran, the ISOGG regional representative for Ireland. Gerard put together a fabulous programme for us. We met in the morning at the National Library of Ireland where we had some free time to do some research. We then headed over to the Dáil (the Irish National Parliament) where we were introduced to Marcella Corcoran-Kennedy who is the TD (Teachta Dála - member of parliament) for the constituency of Laois-Offaly. We had our photographs taken on the steps outside parliament, and were then treated to a guided tour of the Dáil.
ISOGG members with Marcella Corcoran Kennedy outside parliament. |
All in all Genetic Genealogy Ireland was a great success. There was a real buzz around the event and a sense of excitement that we were all at the start of something very special. There have been some vigorous debates in the Genetic Genealogy Ireland Facebook group, but the fact that we are having these discussions is testament to the energy and enthusiasm that has been generated. New friendships have been formed, new links have been forged between genetic genealogists and academics, and I am sure that next year's event will be bigger and better than ever.
Particular thanks are owed to Derrell Oakley Teat who was entrusted by Family Tree DNA with the task of organising the FTDNA stand. She worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make all the arrangements and also co-ordinated our week-long social programme. Maurice Gleeson did a magnificent job of organising the lectures and he chaired the sessions throughout the course of the three days with both charm and good humour. However, all the hardworking volunteers and speakers played their part, and especially those who flew over from America at their own expense to participate.
I travelled to Ireland at my own expense and paid for all my own accommodation. As compensation for presenting a lecture at Genetic Genealogy Ireland I received a free DNA test from Family Tree DNA. I have not yet claimed the test though I intend to use it to do a Family Finder test on a cousin.
My report on AncestryDNA at Back To Our Past can be found here.
Thanks Debbie for the kind words, but without all the volunteers yourself included this event would not be successful! Already planning/thinking about next year!
Phenomenal details, Debbie. I'm supposed to be doing some writing, but I'm so distracted by all this wonderful news, links to the lectures, and more!! Thank you so much for your marvelous post today. For me, who will likely never be able to visit, such posts keep the passion alive.
A separate post... I guess I'll have to wait then :-)
Nice round up Debbie. It was a hectic few days so it's very useful to have it all in one place.
I see that some of the PoBI research in reference to Wales has been independently verified by a group of Genetic Genealogists in the Wales Discovery Group.
As noted with the PoBI European Cluster 17 - France, they believe their independent research with Autosomal DNA analysis helps in validating the France BioGeoprahic origins of the Y-DNA for these R1b-L371 men.
Very impressive.
Sean, The POBI paper hasn’t yet been published and they’ve not released any details of the dating which has apparently proved controversial. The research by the Wales Discovery Group also does not appear to have been published so it is somewhat premature to speculate. The POBI findings are based purely on autosomal DNA. The Y-DNA data has yet to be published. You can’t use autosomal DNA data to verify origins on the Y-chromosome line. The Y-chromosome only follows the fatherline whereas autosomal DNA provides representation of your ancestry on all your family lines. You cannot determine the origin of a Y-SNP several thousand years purely by analysing the Y-DNA of living people.
Much of what the PoBI team will have to say has already been said by persons such as Crouch, Donnelly, Bodmer, etc. When they eventually come out with their grandiose paper in Nature, that will by then by old news and those doing newer NGS studies will soon out class them in a couple of years.
The main thesis of the post, summarizing the impressive and independent research from the Wales Discovery Group, was the 'help' it provides in validating the France BioGeographic origins of these R1b-L371 men before they landed on the shores of Wales.
It helped to show their genetic makeup came into Wales from France (Atlantic Celts) versus from Germany (Rhine Celts). It also showed that these people were ABs (Ancient Britons) versus a hodge podge of later arrivals such as the ASs (Anglo Saxons) ... and guess what those and migrations into Briton can be dated, and in the case of the ABs, that was likely during the Bronze Age.
The Wales Discovery Group US$500 research was done independently by a group of lay Genetic Genealogists, with contracted assistance from a noted PhD in Bioinformatics.
Their goal was not intended to seek out the genetic origins of diseases in various population groups as is being done with the US$ 5 mil PoBI study where the PhDs involved want to publish in research journals to increase their academic standing and abilities to compete for more research grants.
Some may view these comments of yours directed at lay Genetic Genealogists as condescending: "The research by the Wales Discovery Group also does not appear to have been published so it is somewhat premature to speculate."
As far as speculation goes, it appears your comments here are in tune with premature elucidations from a person that tries to show their Cornwallish know it all persona.
Sometimes it helps to look at these more granular population studies of 'one' population group such as done by the Wales Discovery Group versus '20 or so' population groups / clusters in the PoBI GWAS study.
Thanks Celia for your kind comments.
Mike, I've finally done my report on AncestryDNA at Back To Our Past. You can find it here:
It's a bit late as I've had a very busy couple of weeks.
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