The day-to-day activities of the Cruwys/Cruse one-name study with occasional diversions into other topics of interest such as DNA testing and personal genomics
I wrote back in March about "Who do you think you are? Live" and my meeting with Princess Maria Sviatopolk-Mirski. Princess Maria has shared some of her photographs with me and very kindly given me permission to publish them here. The first photograph shows Princess Maria on the Your Family Tree stand with the writer Anthony Adolph.After receiving encouragement from Anthony Adolph Princess Maria visited the Family Tree DNA stand and provided DNA samples for a mitochondrial DNA test. Her DNA results have just come in and are very interesting. I will write about her DNA results in a separate post.Afterwards Princess Maria posed to have her photograph taken with Bennett Greenspan, the President and CEO of Family Tree DNA.A company called Overground Online, who describe themselves as "an alternative British news and culture website", were at this year's WDYTYA and filmed interviews with some of the stallholders and attendees. Princess Maria was one of the people selected to be interviewed. The picture below shows her with the film crew.The full video can be seen online below. The other interviewees include Max Blankfeld, Family Tree DNA's Vice-President of Operations and Marketing, and Penny Law, the Editor of Family History Monthly.
She shares a close resemblance with her mother who is a verified royal I believe. I miss her on Facebook.
Posted by Karen V. Stefanini
Thank you for your kind comment, Karen. Best Wishes from Princess Maria ☺xx
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